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All about Burmese


The Burmese characteristics are very distinct. They have satin smooth coats, mucular bodies, golden through to  amber eyes and the best personality you can find

The Burmese love to spend time with you but also love to do their own thing too.

 Some of their personality traits are, some can be very  talkative, they are very social, inquisitive, affectionate  and they love to play. They make great family and single person pets and can fit in well with other pets. If a kitten is going to be alone all day for 5 days a week it is better to have two together so they have company and someone to play with.


Burmese are vocal, they love to have a say. Direct your speech to your Burmese  and they will reply with a meow.  They can not help but respond as it can be apart of their behaviour.


A Burmese playing while their owner is watching is typical Burmese behavior. They love your attention and want to entertain you so they will continue to play. Because of the Burmese characteristic it is possible to  train them to fetch , roll over or even walking on a leash. There is never a dull moment when you have a Burmese.


Burmese are very social felines. .A fellow Burmese is great or another pet but a human is perfect. Without constant companionship their behavior may change they can become withdrawn . Also ensure that your Burmese isn't left for to many hours alone.






The behaviour of the Burmese will have them following you around the house everywhere including under the blankets. When you turn around your Burmese baby will be there. They like to be involved  with everything you do for example  be with you cooking dinner or cuddling watching tv with you


The Burmese breed is very curious and inquisitive, they will know every inch of your home and investigate all new comings. They have no privacy issues with sussing anything else out, they however like to go to the toilet alone but will gladly follow you.


Burmese are full of personality, will happiness to your home. They love to entertain and you and your family will have many hours of enjoyment just watching them. Make sure you keep them entertained with many toys, but rotate toys every two weeks because just like children the tire from the same toys. With a Burmese you will have a new family member  for their lifetime. 




If you have any questions please contact us.

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